Re: Option 3

Doug Jones writes:

> - Any work describing a change to how something in the W3C HTML5
>   specification is to behave (like adding an attribute to an element)
>   by changing only that part of the wording and
>      -- republishing the work as the W3C HTML5 *or* the HTML5
>         specification is *not* permitted.
>      -- publishing it as a separate document not claiming to be a
>         technical specification is OK, although not authorized.
>      -- publishing it as a separate document *and* claiming to be a
>         technical specification and not including or implying 'HTML' or
>         'W3C' in the title is OK, although not authorized.

Hi. I'm still struggling to follow this. What's the difference
between 'OK' and 'authorized'?

Surely I am either permitted to do something with the spec text or I am
not -- I don't understand what the third category is.



Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 12:28:04 UTC