Re: Request to re-open issue 131 -USE CASES, USE CASES, USE CASES

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger
<> wrote:
> I doubt developers will launch an HTML text box every time they want the user to enter text:
> - editable combobox
> - grid cell
> - text box
> If they were going to do this the author (the lucidart example) would have done it in that example I last posted. It is really not visibly pleasing to have to launch a dialog box to enter text into an editable combobox and definitely not intuitive.

That's not what Jonas was alluding to - he explicitly described his
scenario, and said it was not "launching a dialog box".  That would
indeed be a horrible user experience.

Jonas instead described positioning an element, perhaps a <div
contenteditable>, atop the canvas so that it would receive focus when
you clicked on it (instead of the canvas) and when you typed into it,
the text would appear as if it were being live-drawn into the canvas.
I can provide a simple working example if you wish.

> Also, there is a technical problem with overlaying a textbox on a flow diagram drawing object. I mean in something like Visio you will want to zoom in and out to focus on a drawing object. You may want the text to magnify accordingly.

That is not a technical problem; it's either automatic or trivial.  If
the user is using the browser's built-in zooming functionality, the
canvas and the text will both zoom automatically and together.  If the
app is manually zooming by redrawing what's in the canvas, it is
trivial to also scale the font-size and position of the text overlaid
atop the canvas with some trivial CSS.  Again, I can provide a simple
working example if you wish.


Received on Monday, 19 December 2011 17:04:20 UTC