Re: [Moderator Action] Proposal: <intent> tag for Web Intents API

<personal comment, chair hat off>

On Dec 5, 2011, at 4:51 PM, James Hawkins wrote:

> link rel="intents":
> Pros:
> * Declarative.

I think another pro of this option is that it would allow intent declarations to be placed in the <head> section, without the need to change the HTML parse algorithm. This type of declaration fits very well with the <head> section, so I think this is a strong advantage.

Yet another pro is: no need to introduce a new HTML element.

> Cons:
> * link rel has become a dumping ground for these type of usages.

It seems to work reasonably well for these types of uses, even though it is overloaded.

> * Need to modify HTML spec to add appropriate attributes.

Additional HTML attributes can be defined in a separate spec, just like additional HTML elements. So I think this Con is based on a misconception.

Thus, I'd suggest giving more consideration to <link rel="intent">, instead of a new element.


Received on Thursday, 8 December 2011 06:43:11 UTC