Re: request for guidance: centralized extensibility for HTML5 using X3D graphics

On Feb 18, 2010, at 16:47, John A. Stewart wrote:

> However, the Web3D Consortium also wishes to address the millions (or tens/hundreds of millions) of graphics capable devices out there that currently do not, or will not support WebGL.

What's the relevance of the above sentence to "centralized extensibility for HTML5"? Do you envision extended HTML5 UAs that support X3D but not WebGL?

> Whether the solution is X3D, or some subset of X3D, or even another graphics language is of relatively little consequence; we just wish to work with the W3C and produce an open standard for platform-agnostic 3D models.

How do you see the relationship of an open standard for platform-agnostic 3D models and HTML5?

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2010 15:11:35 UTC