Re: CfC: Publish HTML5, RDFa heartbeats and Microdata, 2D Context and H:TML as FPWDs

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, Martin Kliehm wrote:
> a) Doug Schepers and Eliot Graff published a split-off in October [1] 
> that hasn't been reflected in Ian Hickson's work. Obviously the group 
> disagrees here, and I haven't seen any efforts to find a consensus. 
> While a consensus is not officially required for publication as a FPWD, 
> I certainly do now want Google and Microsoft drift off in different 
> directions. I would suggest trying to merge the two documents first or 
> at least I would like to see some dialog evolve publicly between the 
> factions.

If there are any specific changes that you think should be made to the 2D 
Context draft, please don't hesitate to file bugs for them. When I did the 
split, I did try to examine what changes had been made to the other draft, 
and I copied over all the changes that I could find that were correct 
changes. (There were unfortunately a number of changes that were purported 
to improve readability but unfortunately introduced technical errors; I 
didn't port those over.)

> b) Accessibility support in Canvas does not exist at all.

The accessibility story for <canvas> is better than the accessibility 
story for <object> and <img>.

> Oh, and I have a question regarding the process: when we speak about 
> silence as "no objection," is Good Standing [2] required to be eligible 
> in the CfC? And if this would be a requirement, where is the majority of 
> the 406 group participants [3] during the weekly telcons?

The chairs have explained that the weekly telecon is merely a phone status 
report on the group, and not required for group participation. Moreover, 
our charter explicitly states that there are no minimum participation 
requirements for anyone other than co-chairs and editors.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 21:54:03 UTC