Change Proposal - 4.2.2 The title element / Standard metadata names


> I would like to add 2 items that I should have included:
> 1.       If <title> becomes <meta name="title"> then bring <title> into the
> <body> section as the visible title of a web page (where there can be only
> one) releasing <h1> to be used as intended
> 2.       Clarification of the relationship between metadata and content i.e.
> what happens if metadata page title differs from content page title, should
> it differ?
Obviously I think that that the semantic identicalness of these  (titles, meta titles, and visible document headers) 
is to some degree up to the content author - 
though I agree that more strictness in this regard would stop some 'web spamming' or whatever  --
if that is what you are trying to get at.
C. E. Whitehead
> Regards,
> Dean Leigh


Received on Thursday, 22 April 2010 00:58:08 UTC