ISSUE-100, ISSUE-89, ISSUE-106

Two of my proposals are still listed as the chairs reviewing, without
call for counter-proposal or responding to the content.

Issue 89 has to do with removing the idioms section. There was no
discussion on this one. Perhaps we could just go for call for

Issue 100 has to do with srcdoc. There's already a counter-proposal on
this, but the discussion has only been between three people. I'm not
sure how interested folks are in this one. Regardless, are you doing
to call for counter proposals on this? Do we have some finish
deadlines for this one?

I have a third issue I raised, 106, on "obsolete but conforming" .  I
may try to put through a change proposal on this, but if I do, I can't
shepherd it through the decision process. My invited expert agreement
expires May 11, and I'm  not renewing it. If someone is willing to see
it through the process, I'll try to get something written up.


Received on Thursday, 15 April 2010 04:45:38 UTC