Re: ISSUE-107 Change Proposal

> At least the example would show the multiple levels of fallback as 
> an alternative to text only.

well, maybe hot, yes?

> <object type="application/">
> <param name="o3d_features" value="FloatingPointTextures">
> <img src='thisstaticimage.png' title='alternative to FOOBAR O3D' >
> This object uses the FOOBAR O3D plugin. Get it
> from the <a href="...">FOOBAR O3D Download Page</a>
> </object>
> Then if the plugin won't play, then the image is shown, and if the 
> image is not available then the user gets the text with link.

should have been:

Then if the plugin won't play, then the image and text with link is 
shown, and if the image is not available then the user gets the text 
with link.
Also mayde explain what should happen if that link is navigated.
Following could be an example explaining the fallback html when 
another object to show behavior similar to <source> in <video> and 

That part of the spec seems to difficult for me to navigate even in 
multipage. Usually, I need to reload at least six times to get there 
in IE and Ff  someimes doesn't seem much better.

Along with all examples it is important to produce some best practice 
and preferred form. Especailly when the underlying syntax appears at 
the surface to be so flexible and forgiving. Such as the srcdoc 
example for iframe where the [<any html>] depends upon knowing all the 
rules while following only a few letting the UA infer markup and 
delimiters and, yes, seems so easy until it finally needs to be 
exactly right.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2010 18:57:56 UTC