RE: HTML interpreter vs. HTML user agent

About Safari's feed reader, Maciej wrote:

> 2) We can also display a user-selected collection of feeds as one  
> document, again displayed as HTML.
> 3) We don't execute any script that came from the feed in the context  
> of generated HTML document. At the very least due to point #2 this  
> would be insecure.
> 4) We don't let any web page access the contents of the generated HTML  
> document via script.

Doesn't this somehow create a "restricted HTML" which is allowed in
a feed? The HTML in a feed can't be scripted at all? Or the scripts
can't access the HTML of their subsection?

I was wondering how HTML-in-webmail could work, since the HTML of
the mail needs to be embedded in the HTML of the webmail client itself.

Where in the HTML spec is this addressed?


Received on Sunday, 31 May 2009 14:55:42 UTC