Re: Design Principles

I'm not sure this conversation thread is helping people understand  
each other's viewpoints, but with some trepidation, I'll step in.

On May 26, 2009, at 11:13 AM, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

> Ian Hickson On 09-05-26 12.34:
>> On Tue, 26 May 2009, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>>> Ian Hickson On 09-05-26 06.38:
>>> So it was not the HTML 4 of the spec that was winning but another  
>>> HTML4?
>> In the context of the interview, what is the difference between  
>> these two HTML4s? I don't understand the question.
> Tell me about that other HTML 4, please. I really wonder how one can  
> say that HTML 4 is winning and mean that something that isn't in the  
> HTML 4 spec is winning.

I would guess that Ian had in mind HTML 4 as de facto deployed and  
processed, or what Dan Connolly colorfully calls "HTML as she are  
spoke". It is the de facto reality of HTML that the Design Principles  
strive to build upon.

>>> XHTML is also HTML.
>> I don't understand what this means
> The high deployment of HTML that you talk about includes a lot of  

In the context of "HTML as she are spoke", XHTML deployed as text/html  
is just HTML, since it is processed just the same as any other text/ 
html. XHTML processed as such (i.e. served with an XML MIME type) is  
very rare.


Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 18:28:39 UTC