Re: minutes of last meeting?

Hi Shelley,

> @2009-06-19 08:00 -0500:
> From the meeting minutes, and what I remember of the IRC discussion,
> it would seem that table summary didn't get discussed.

Yeah, that's correct.

> Does that mean this agenda item will fall over to the next
> meeting?

Yes -- the procedure for the telcons that has evolved over the
2-year history of the group has been mostly that we use the time
to walk through the list of open issues and associated
open/overdue actions and discuss them, generally using as a guide
the following page:

So, issues with open/pending actions automatically float closer to
the top of that page -- and if we don't get to them one week,
float up even higher. So issue 32 (table-summary) is now the first
issue at the top.

As an aside, I guess it's also worth noting that not everybody
believes that way in which we are using the telcon time (to simply
go through the issues list) is the optimal use of the time. But
one thing that seriously limits what we can get done on the
telcons is that while many other groups use telcon time to try to
actually reach agreement on open issues and record binding
resolutions for them, we are not chartered to do that on our
telcons (and due to the exceptional nature of our group, it would
be very difficult to try to do that if we were chartered to).

Anyway, I think that ideas about how to make better use of the
telcon time would be welcome.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Friday, 19 June 2009 14:28:56 UTC