Re: minutes of last meeting?

Hi Shelley,

> @2009-06-19 06:24 -0500:
> Are the minutes for the last HTML WG teleconference meeting posted somewhere?

They're always automatically posted after every meeting to a URL
of this pattern:

...where 20NN/NN/NN is the date of the telcon.

So the minutes for this week's telcon are here:

The scribe for the meeting is also supposed to send an
announcement that the minutes are available, but we (me included)
don't always seem to manage to do that. Going forward, I'll try to
do a better job of getting it done -- and better yet, will, when I
can make time, set up a script that does it automatically.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Friday, 19 June 2009 12:56:55 UTC