Re: Spec contains "content model" serving no purpose

Rob Sayre <>, 2009-06-18 22:32 -0400:

>  I can see why this might be tempting to specify for theoretical reasons, but 
>  I can't think of a use case.

Raised now in our bugzilla:

>  I would file a bug, but it's not clear to me that I can use the w3c bugzilla 
>  to open and close bugs. =)

(I changed Rob's perms so that he can open and close bugs and
re-open bugs. For others in the group who are using our bugzilla,
if/when you have problems with perms or whatever, please ping me
directly and I will get them fixed asap.)


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Friday, 19 June 2009 03:23:07 UTC