Re: On telling end users "the input is broken" [was: comments on draft-barth-mime-sniffing]

Le 17 juin 2009 à 07:03, Michael(tm) Smith a écrit :
> So I guess I'm not convinced that other standards for handling
> Internet content shouldn't also be specced out with a degree of
> rigor and thoroughness in defining (and iteratively updating
> during further development and testing) rules for error-handling
> similar to what we have ended up with in the current HTML5 draft
> (and other drafts we have now that are related or spun-off from it).

     On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:41:51 GMT
     In The experience of the Batik team in implementing W3C's  

     'implementation dependant' or unspecified
     behaviors are really dangerous as far as
     interoperability is concerned. When a working
     group does not find a solution and plan to let a
     particular behavior or feature unspecified or
     dependant of the implementation, perhaps the
     following question will help:

     Considering now that two implementations are doing
     different things, is it important for users or

     May be, the answer is 'no' and the feature can be
     kept as is. Otherwise, the working group can
     decide to specify the behavior even though a vote
     is required. The answer could also be: "It is an
     error" and what error is it, could just be a
     highlevel description such as the one in the SVG
     specification. In any case, it will be one of the
     QA activity's biggest challenge.

See also

* Define Error Handling mechanism
* Discretionary Items

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 14:40:28 UTC