Re: DOM tree accessors

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:09:30 +0200, Joe D Williams <>  

> 3.2.4 DOM tree accessors
> ...
> document.embeds
> document.plugins
> "The embeds attribute must return an HTMLCollection rooted at the  
> Document node, whose filter matches only embed elements."
> "The plugins attribute must return the same object as that returned by  
> the embeds attribute."
> This list of accessors should be expanded to include other similar  
> reasonable named collections.
> Collections for  <object>, <iframe>, <video>, <audio>, and other active  
> items are of similar interest and utility.

document.embeds and friends are DOM0 legacy. You can use  
getElementsByTagName or querySelectorAll for other elements.

> How about giving a collection in terms of browsing context
> document.contexts
> to give me a list of source and decendent context names?

The window object is that collection.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 09:58:18 UTC