RE: Firing media events early for throttled downloads

David Singer wrote:
> I believe that the spec. says that auto-play is (a) advisory and (b)
> the user should be in control of whether and when and how the advice
> is taken.
> If it doesn't say that, it should.  The UA could be put, for example,
> in a mode such that media that is ready to auto-play does not do so,
> but instead starts flashing alternating pink smileys and the words
> "play me! play me!".  Or something more suitable...

David, WCAG (1) & Section 508 discourage blinking, and I wonder aloud if
Pink would deliver suitable foreground/background contrast... 

> If it doesn't say that, it should.  

Agreed, and further, UAs MUST (RFC 2119) afford users the means to act
upon that advisory, both in the single instance, but also as a default

Related Quote:
"10. If you use music on your site make sure the user can stop it, and it
BETTER NOT start on page load without the user requesting it. Same goes
for video with audio (*cough ESPN *cough), many web users surf from work
and don't enjoy their speakers lighting up with your horrible and
intrusive taste in music while their boss roams the halls looking for some
ass to bust." 


Received on Friday, 5 June 2009 23:37:28 UTC