Re: several messages

On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 18:29:24 +0200, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:

>>> Now, I guess there are several possible ways to fix this mismatch.
>>>   1. Revert the change.
>>>   2. Tweak the writing rules so that the ampersand above would be
>>> ambiguous.
>>>   3. Tweak the parsing rules so that = is treated the same as  
>>> 0-9a-zA-Z.
>> If action (2) or (3) are taken, then I guess it would make sense to make
>> "&=" allowed, too.
> Additionally, I given how easy it is to get unexpected results, I
> think we should strongly discourage authors from not escaping
> ampersands. And the best tool that we have for doing that is by making
> unescaped ampersands non-conformant.

That would be (1) above.

(3) would remove the unexpected result for <a href="&copy=">. It's not  
what IE does, but I would be surprised if pages expect an entity there.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2009 17:25:47 UTC