Re: Draft of @summary text for HTML 5 poll

Hi Maciej,

> Which part of this text gives the alternatives that will be voted on in the
> straw poll?

I reread the email several times. It has me puzzled too. Josh, are the
following meant to be likert scale [1] questions for the poll?

> * Summary is the best way to make tables accessible, even though it is
> specific to people with disabilities
> * Continued support for summary is needed as a bridging mechanism
> while other methods to make tables accessible are developed and proven
> * Summary is not effective and should be immediately replaced with
> other mechanisms to make tables accessible
> * A well constructed table with caption and headers would never need
> any kind of summarizing mechanism, user agent heuristics can generate
> a good overview

Likert-scale questions can be good for measuring the degree of
respondents' feelings or attitudes about something. Format for choices
usually are:

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Best Regards,


Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 19:36:29 UTC