[HTML5] DOMContentLoaded fires before CSS resources loaded?

I hope someone can clarify this question: What's the "desired" behavior of DOMContentLoaded with regard to CSS resources and why?

At least two implementations wait to fire DOMContentLoaded until after the CSS resources have loaded. I believe that JQuery may depend on this behavior-but I'm not sure why. However, if I read HTML5 correctly, this event fires immediately after parsing and pending script content has finished, but does not appear to wait for CSS resources. Opera fires the event in this way--as it appears to be speced, but the spec'd behavior does not appear to be "interoperable" universally.

Is the currently speced behavior "by design?" If so, please explain why..

Else, perhaps it could be spec'd to match the Firefox/Webkit approach?



Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 01:46:33 UTC