Re: Public feedback on HTML5 video

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer
<> wrote:
> 3. @autobuffer="off" - the web page author cares and believes it would
> be a nuisance to the user to autobuffer this video and waste
> bandwidth, so the browser doesn't autobuffer - it this case, it may
> even make sense to not even try and initialise the decoding pipeline,
> but only display the poster frame, if possible (maybe the
> X-Content-Duration can help to display the video duration and that's
> all that's required?). I'm specifically thinking here about a Web page
> that has dozens of videos on it (e.g. as search results or for
> browsing a collection). It might not make sense to pre-buffer anything
> at all in such a case where playback is highly unlikely.

This comes back around to what Philip was saying before - is it really
best for the user to treat autobuffer=off any different than no
autobuffer at all?  *Will* a browser treat the two differently?  We
know that it's obviously often best to not autobuffer by default -
this has been established, and the automatic autobuffering that is
going on currently in some browsers is a bug.  Once that is fixed,
though, is it really worthwhile to do something fully different in
your situation 1 and 3?

I think I'd like to see video durations and such for all videos, even
if they're not autobuffered.  If you *really* don't want *anything*
video-related to download, the best thing to do is simply not put a
video in the page.  Just use a thumbnail with a link to the video,
possible with js to replace the thumbnail with a <video> element for
quicker turnaround (this has already been explored in this thread).

So, browser devs, do you think that, if autobuffer=off was supported
and present, you would treat it any differently than if autobuffer was
missing entirely?  Philip's already stated that he thinks not -
they'll be as conservative as possible by default, and won't get any
more conservative if you somehow specified "off" (obviously, Philip,
if I'm misrepresenting you, speak up).  Anyone else?


Received on Wednesday, 30 December 2009 17:17:54 UTC