Re: Bug 8404 -- taking it to the lists

Whether something is being labeled as a figure in literature, does not
matter. The figure element is for things that have the structure of a
figure. The element could also be named the figurestructure element,
but that would be long and annoying.

Making the caption required seems fair enough to me. Agreed.

Linking to a figure is easy, just use the id attribute. You don't need
an a element to define an anchor. (If I remember correctly, the
specification explicitly uses the same mechanism for linking to dfn
elements.) Here's an example (I've also included a table (with a
footnote) used as a figure):

<figure id="firstemo">
<dt>Figure 3. The first emoticon.</dt>

<figure id="commonemos">
<tr><th>Emoticon</th><th>Frequency<a href="#personalusage">*</a></th></tr>
<p id="personalusage">* The usage frequencies listed here are personal.</p>
<dt>Table 2. Emoticons and their usage frequencies.</dt>

<p>A colon and a closing parenthesis formed the first smiley,
as shown in <a href="#firstemo">Figure 3</a>.</p>
<p>More emoticons were created later on.
See <a href="#commonemos">Table 2</a> for details.</p>

Jeroen van der Gun

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 15:34:37 UTC