Re: Bug 8404 -- taking it to the lists

On 2009-12-01 Shelley Powers <> wrote:

>The figure element either should be pulled completely, in favor of the aside
>element, or it needs to have a tighter focus in its definition. It should
>consist of a graphic element, which could be an svg element, a mathml element,
>an img, an object, or, possibly, a video.

I disagree and really don't understand why you wish to restrict 
authors. The members of this working group have an unusually 
broad experience base, and yet there is _no_ way we can cover 
all the ground that people using html5 will be covering.

Would this not be an appropriate figure?


I would direct your attention to the "Rack" portion, which is 
essentially a data table.


Steve Axthelm

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 18:34:11 UTC