Re: The cite and pubdate attributes

Karl Dubost On 09-08-16 01.35:

> Le 10 août 2009 à 07:48, Lachlan Hunt a écrit :
>> Similarly, the cite attribute duplicates functionality of the <cite> 
>> elmement combined with <a href>.
> cite attribute on blockquote covers different cases and makes a direct 
> association between the quoted text and the reference.

> # Example 2

> <blockquote cite="urn:isbn:978-0-14-243717-9" xml:lang="en">
>     <p>You don't know me about me, without you have read
>     a book by the name of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,"
>     but that ain't no matter.</p>
>     <p class="source">
>      <cite class="auteur">Twain, Mark</cite>, p. 9.
>      <cite class="titre">The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn</cite>.
>     Penguin Classics. 2003
>     </p>
> </blockquote>

In Example 2, you could have reused the code from Example 1, like 

<cite class="author"><a href=""
 >Mark Twain</a></cite>

Something which would have been illegal, if the @cite URI had to 
be replaced with the anchor element.

> IMHO, removing the cite attribute on quote is not a very good idea and 
> doesn't create any benefits.
> Making it possible for browser to activate the URI contained in cite 
> attribute be a lot better (javascript and css can be used already see 
> below).

leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 16 August 2009 02:13:04 UTC