ISSUE-38 - style-attr-syntax - suggest closing on 2009-08-20

Sam Ruby and Dan Connolly asked me to resend my proposed issue  
closures in individual emails, with clear subject lines, and Cc'd to  
the issue originator when possible. Apologies for the spam. If there  
are no objections, I will close this issue on 2009-08-20.


ISSUE-38 - style-attr-syntax - Syntax of the style attribute

HTML5 now says this:  "In user agents that support CSS, the  
attribute's value must be parsed when the attribute is added or has  
its value changed, with its value treated as the body (the part inside  
the curly brackets) of a declaration block in a rule whose selector  
matches just the element on which the attribute is set." < 
 > I believe this resolves the error handling conflict that Daniel  
Glazman was concerned about. Suggest closing.


Received on Friday, 14 August 2009 06:25:00 UTC