Re: Selectors, getElementsByTagName() and camelCase SVG

L. David Baron wrote:
> This has the disadvantage that it makes XHTML (in XML) partially
> case-insensitive.

I'm not sure I follow that.  All the behavior discussed here only 
applies to HTML documents.  In XML documents, all the matching is 
case-sensitive.  At least as the spec is currently written, and in all 
the proposals in this thread.

>  * assuming DOM nodes have an internal notion of whether they're
>    case sensitive (which would be true for anything other than DOM
>    nodes in text/html that are in the HTML namespace)
>  * replacing "Have the HTML namespace" in step 2a above with "are
>    not case sensitive"

This seems to be equivalent to the other approach, a far as I can tell 
(though it might be clearer conceptually).

One difference is how adoptNode is handled; with your proposal this 
would need to change the internal notion of case-sensitivity to give the 
same behavior as the other proposal, right?


Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 18:09:28 UTC