- From: David Carlisle <davidc@nag.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 00:20:44 +0100
- To: public-html@w3.org
MathML (1 and 2) has deferred to xlink for linking. The schema allowed xlink, as a foreign namespaced attribute, on any element, and so to make a link in MathML you could go <mi xlimk:type="simple" xlink:href="http:.....">text</mi> In addition MathML has a "catch all" element, <maction>, for supporting dynamic behaviour (in a way that in MathML 1 and 2 was intentionally loosely defined in the spec, to allow for a certain amount of implementer innovation). In particular in IE/MathPlayer you can go <maction type="link" dsi:href="...."> arbitrary mathml content </action> The Math WG is considering adding "native" support for linking in MathML3. It has become painfully obvious that relying on an external specification for linking is not ideal (Firefox 3 pulled support for xlink, thus removing link support from all existing XHTML+MathML pages). Also relying on (necessarily :-prefixed) xlink attributes for linking will presumably cause problems for html5 integration. Currently we are considering two possibilities. 1) Allow href everywhere on all elements where it makes sense. (The exact list would need to be determined exactly and listed in the MathML3 spec.) This would allow <mn href="..">1</mn> as well as <mrow href="..."><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mi><mi>b</mi></mrow> This use of href as a common attribute making any element a hypertext link would be compatible with xhtml2 which allows href on any xhtml element [1] but as far as I can see, html5 draft has chosen not to follow this route and is proposing to stay with the html4 <a href syntax [2]. 2) Formalising the link behavior of maction. So a link would be made with <maction type="link"> and the above two links would be coded as <maction type="link" href=".."><mn>1</mn></maction> <maction type="link" href="..."><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mi><mi>b</mi></mrow></maction> This is a perhaps smaller change to MathML, just adding the href attribute to maction, but leads to considerably more verbose markup, as demonstrated. Clearly the final decision about MathML design rests with the Math WG, but (X)HTML(5) integration is a very important goal for us, so we would be interested to know from the HTML WG, and in particular any browser vendors considering mathml-in-html support, whether there are advantages or disadvantages to either of these design choices, or if there are other options that we could consider. David Carlisle for the Math WG [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-hyperAttributes.html#adef_hyperAttributes_href [2] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#hyperlink ________________________________________________________________________ The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1249803. The registered office is: Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road, Oxford OX2 8DR, United Kingdom. This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The service is powered by MessageLabs. ________________________________________________________________________
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