Re: <q> vs <p>

NOTE: I'm not argumenting, just sharing information (not an opinion).

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 5:19 AM, Jim Jewett wrote:
> Justin James and Robert Burns wrote:
>> >  Again, if <q> adds punctuation, so should <p> and any other element
>> > which represents grammar.
> Which other elements would those be?  I  think it would be stretching things
> to say that <section> affects grammar.  Are <p> and <q> the only ones?
> Or are you counting <li> typically adding a marker/bullet?

In French, when the list is not made of sentences, when it is an
enumeration, a list item should end with a semi-colon, except for the
last one which ends with a full stop. In a nested list, items end with
a comma except for the last one which ends with a semi-colon ; the
item containing the nested list introduces it with a colon (i.e. it
doesn't end with a semi-colon or full stop as I said above, as those
characters are moved to the last item of the nested list).


HTML doesn't mark up "language", it marks up semantics: a <q> denotes
a quote, so that they can be easily extracted: (In Quotes uses language analysis,
but if everyone were using <q> and <cite> the job would much easier);
and can link to the source of the quote (for UAs to provide a meant o
follow the link, and for robots to unambiguously associate the quote
and the quoted material –which is not possible with a bare <a>–).

Thomas Broyer

Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 10:31:48 UTC