Re: <q> and commas

2008/10/30 Justin James <>

> Another question along those lines:
> Does "[quotation] marks" refer specifically to the " character?

No. (Assuming my modification to your question, above, was correct.)

> Or does it also include the &quot; entity? What about the right/left
> quotation marks, or their associated entities?

In my understanding, yes (except insofar as I am not certain what you mean
by "their associated entities").

> I can understand us wanting to carry on the HTML 4 behavior,

I think we can do rather better than HTML 4; my various suggestions
elsewhere in the current threads on <q> express my suggestions as to how we
can do so.

> we don't even know what [the HTML 4 behaviour] is supposed to be, with this
> vague definition [of what constitutes a quotation mark]...

Avoiding such vagueness, either by omitting the prescription that, "Authors
should not put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the content of a
Q element."[1] or by replacing it with something much less ambiguous, would
be one component of defining the <q> element better in HTML 5 than it was
defined in HTML 4.




Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 12:17:56 UTC