Re: <q>

I'm going to have to address some of the objections to my suggestions
piecemeal, as I'm in the middle of other things. I'm afraid I won't be able
to address them all today, but I'll do what I can.
2008/10/28 Justin James <>

> Punctuation is presentation, unless it is content.

I disagree with you. If I'm reading an English novel and I see that the
speech in it has been typeset using single quotes, this punctuation has both
"content" and "presentation" aspects. The "content" aspect is to delineate
the text as speech (the single quote marks are part of the content of the
page). The "presentation" aspect is the use of single quotes to do that,
given that double quotes would have worked just as well. So your assertion
is false.

> HTML says it should be content, so defining <q> to do it makes little sense
> to me.

I must have missed this. Where does HTML say that punctuation is content?


Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2008 15:31:24 UTC