Re: Accessibility of <audio> and <video>

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> Fundamentally, I consider <video> and <audio> to be simply windows onto
> pre-existing content, much like <iframe>, but for media data instead of
> for "pages" or document data. Just as with <iframe>s, the principle I had
> in mind is that it should make sense for the user to take the content of
> the element and view it independent of its hosting page. You should be
> able to save the remote file locally and open it in a media player and you
> should be able to write a new page with a different media player
> interface, without losing any key aspect of the media. In particular, any
> accessibility features must not be lost when doing this. For example, if
> the video has subtitles or PiP hand language signing, or multiple audio
> tracks, or a transcript, or lyrics, or metadata, _all_ of this data should
> survive even if the video file is saved locally without the embedding
> page.

I understand your position, and it's theoretically the best approach.

But what if I wish to apply a CSS style to the transcript displayed by
a user ? To improve it's semantics ? Could we ask video-maker to embed
the transcripts as HTML into the files ? Or have an XSLT sheet to
transform the xml transcript into HTML ?

What for a video that would need MathML to be properly transcripted (a
course about mathematics) ?

Olivier G.

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2008 16:17:57 UTC