Re: several messages relating to the alt="" attribute

Ian Hickson: 
>The current text in the spec requires alt="" in all cases 
>except when the page is generated in a manner where alternative text is 
>not available, or when there is no possible way to provide text that is 
>in any way a replacement for the image.

Ian Hickson:
> Things that are impossible just take longer.

If authors know what the purpose of the image is, it should be
never a problem to add it. If not, there is no need to put the 
image on the web page.

>Rorschach inkblot test.

could be the value of the alt attribute and anyone can look
on the web, what kind of test this is.

> photo upload site

If it is technically possible to upload photos (typically this is
done with a form and the user has to type in the name of the
file for the upload), there can be an additional input for the
alt text. 
It is no creatio ex nihilo - well, I have an art gallery with
creatio ex nihilo realised with PHP with such an alt-problem,
but I found some accessible solution even for this ;o)

Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 08:58:14 UTC