Re: <time> values in HTML5

 >Jeni, feel free to file a comment on Bugzilla against XSD 1.1 CR; I 
can't promise anything will happen, because the Schema WG has very few 
resources and is trying to move forward, and because going back to last 
call isn't on the cards, but I also won't rule it out.

I don't think changing XSD 1.1 is an option at this stage; but since XSD 
1.1 explicitly says that new data types can be added separately from the 
base spec, a possible option is to establish some kind of register of 
primitive types in which new types can be defined. That doesn't mean of 
course that every schema processor will support them; but actually I 
would like to see schema processors (including my own) evolving in a 
direction where new primitive data types can be plugged in by users or 
third parties without change to the base product.

Michael Kay

Received on Saturday, 19 November 2011 14:38:59 UTC