Re: The interpretation of script

On Jan 19, 2011, at 21:08 , David Carlisle wrote:
> On 19/01/2011 18:14, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> What happens when MathML is included in HTML?
> the html5 parser specifies that you get a mathmlelement, but doesn't specify that that renders as maths, so it may just be treated pretty much as an unknown element, as happens in Chrome for example.
> To test if mathml is "really" supported you need to do something like render an mfrac in a hidden div and use a javascript api to access the rendered height and see if it is as expected.

Ouch, that's bad. Can't someone scare up a MathElement specification? It seems that it could prove useful, wouldn't take more than an afternoon to write, and would be straightforward to implement. Is there any reason not to do this?

Robin Berjon -

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 07:56:49 UTC