Re: The interpretation of script

Anne van Kesteren scripsit:

> If it is inside JavaScript it is not a new scripting language.

>From the viewpoint of a browser implementor, it is not.  From the
viewpoint of a page author, it is; except for adding a single line to
a page containing an XQuery script, the author doesn't need to care if
XQuery is implemented natively in the browser or via JavaScript.  From the
viewpoint of a computer, it's all just assembly-language instructions.

They do not preach                              John Cowan
  that their God will rouse them      
    A little before the nuts work loose.
They do not teach
  that His Pity allows them                         --Rudyard Kipling,
    to drop their job when they damn-well choose.   "The Sons of Martha"

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 18:34:13 UTC