Re: The interpretation of script

> "norun" would cause problems. E.g. <script norun> would run today, but not
tomorrow. And with <script run type=sometype> you have the reverse problem.
I do not really see how this is better than just coming up with a new type
once we are ready to deploy a new scripting language. There are way more
complicated problems to solve when it comes to that anyway. (DOM
integration, what happens with other <script> elements that have JavaScript,
what happens with event handler attributes, etc.)
Anne, this brings up another point that occurred to me as I was working on
an xqib review. Is there any syntax defined in html5 for attribute based
script handlers in languages other than javascript, eg onclick =
"xquery:local:foo($this)" ?  I'm bringing this up in the context of xquery,
but it seems likely this might emerge for any language in the browser, such
as python or php.

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:05:00 UTC