Re: What problem is this task force trying to solve and why?

On 12/21/10 8:41 AM, "Henri Sivonen" <> wrote:

>Wrapping up HTML5 mainly has Patent Policy and public relations effects.
>Those are important things, sure, but wrapping up HTML5 doesn't change
>the technical constraints.

I strongly disagree that Recommendations are just for PP and PR. Concrete
Recommendations put a stake in the ground for the *users*. Implementers
always want to revise continuously, but mainstream website developers need
to know what is really stable and what they can count on for years to

On the other hand, the "technical constraints" are evolving continuously.
For example, the "technical constraint" that IE doesn't support XHTML is
resolved in IE9, so a pure XML solution to the (X)HTML namespaces use case
is at least plausible going forward. Furthermore, it's a hard question to
decide  whether a proposed change to the HTML v.x parsing algorithm would
do more harm by breaking rendering of existing sites than it would do good
by empowering users who want to leverage both XML and HTML.  I think
that's the kind of thing this task force should discuss -- assess the
seriousness of the problems with HTML5 and XML as they stand vs the
feasibility and consequences of proposed solutions.

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2010 19:51:51 UTC