Re: discretion in adding issues [was: respecification of document.write...]

Robert J Burns <>, 2008-05-30 10:34 +0000:

>  I understand that issues places a burden on the WG. I wish the process went 
>  smoother so that edits to the draft occurred in some correspondence to the 
>  deliberations of the WG. Until that happens, I can't see another way to 
>  handle this then through the issue-tracker system.

I can. In fact, I can to the point where I want to make it clear
to you that you are not to raise any more issues in the issue
tracker nor to have anybody else raise them for you by proxy --
until it's clear to me that you understand that a number of the
issues you've raised represent a misuse of the issue tracker.

This week and early next, I'll also be looking at which of
issues 42-50 I think can be closed.


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2008 03:04:56 UTC