RE: {minutes} HTML WG telecon 2014-02-27 - Last Calls, CR Progress, TF Reports, F2F

HTML Weekly Teleconference
27 February 2014
Minutes ->
IRC          ->

[09:03] <krisk> Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
[09:04] <rubys> agenda:
[09:04] <krisk> Date: 27 February 2014
[09:04] <krisk> Chair: rubys
[09:04] <krisk> Scribe: krisk

[09:05] <krisk> TOPIC: ACTION items due by Thursday, February 27
[09:05] <krisk> rubys: none

[09:05] <krisk> TOPIC: Last Calls
[09:05] <Zakim> +glenn
[09:05] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Polyglot Markup: A robust profile of the HTML5 vocabulary Last Call
[09:06] <krisk> rubys: we have one bug that really shoudl have been multiple
[09:06] <krisk> rubys: see
[09:06] <krisk> Eliot: working on the bug -editoria
[09:06] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: W3C DOM4: Last Call ends 04 March 2014
[09:06] <krisk> rubys: no bugs
[09:06] <krisk> A11y TF has yet to ask for an extension
[09:07] <krisk> glenn: How many issues/bugs?
[09:07] <krisk> rubys: I don't expect much
[09:07] <krisk> paulc: robin indicated we have tests for most as well
[09:07] <krisk> glenn: It would be good to bring CSS OM into this doc
[09:08] == BillyGregory [~BillyGregory@public.cloak] has joined #html-wg
[09:08] <krisk> plh: It's my understanding lots of work would be needed to bring this into the DOM4 spec
[09:09] <krisk> plh: We have recharted the working group which woudl take alot of time to change the charted to include this work
[09:09] <krisk> plh: CSS is also rechartering right now
[09:09] <krisk> glenn: It's odd because it's JS api's in the CSS working group which doesn't get alot of attention
[09:09] <krisk> paulc: I suggest you raise this on public html
[09:09] <krisk> glenn: sounds great, will do

[09:10] <krisk> TOPIC:  CR Progress

[09:10] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Canvas2D:
[09:10] <krisk> see
[09:11] <krisk> janina: Expect some hit testing is needed, Firefox has it in a nighly and a test page exists
[09:11] <krisk> janina: We have not heard back from google, a date to match Firefox
[09:11] <krisk> janina: which would let us meet the min requirements for getting this in the L1 spec
[09:12] <krisk> janina: Basically by have two implementation and getting the spec correctly written which will take time
[09:12] <krisk> rubys: The time is weeks to get this done?
[09:12] <krisk> janina: yes
[09:12] <krisk> rubys: any other comments?

[09:12] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: HTML5.0
[09:13] <krisk> rubys: we are down to 6 plus 1 bugs (
[09:13] <krisk> Robin and Steve are going to get down with their bugs by March 15th
[09:13] <krisk> Alt issues, Steve Faulkner:
[09:13] <krisk>
[09:13] <krisk>
[09:14] <plh>
[09:14] <krisk> glenn: How are we going to get normative parts of the WhatWG spec?
[09:14] <krisk> ..added to the w3c version?
[09:14] <krisk> glenn: For example url parsing
[09:14] <krisk> plh: robin has a page
[09:15] <krisk> plh: It sounds like a bug, please open one or more if needed
[09:15] <krisk> glenn: what about encoding?
[09:15] <krisk> plh: This was very recent
[09:15] <krisk> glenn: What about xml http request?
[09:15] <krisk> plh: It's a bug
[09:15] <krisk> glenn: Sounds like you are working on this plh so I trust it's in good hands
[09:15]  * Zakim krisk, you typed too many words without commas; I suspect you forgot to start with 'to ...'
[09:16] <krisk> rubys: Hoping to hear back from hober
[09:16] <krisk> ..on Caseless matching (Ted O'Connor)
[09:17] <krisk> rubys: We'll review and remove at risk features after the F2F
[09:17] <krisk> plh: Area and Aria won't be at risk
[09:17] <krisk> see ->
[09:18] <krisk> plh: We will be talking with IETF about url parsing next week in london

[09:18] <krisk> TOPIC: Task Force Reports

[09:18] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Testing Task Force
[09:18] <krisk> I don't have much to report but will send out some info about DOM4/request
[09:19] <krisk> plh: some more pull requests have been made
[09:19] == BillyGregory [~BillyGregory@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[09:19] <krisk> plh: so we are going in the right direction
[09:20] <krisk> krisk: I looked at some that appear old, but they were waiting for an update from the submitter
[09:20] <krisk> krisk: I also will take a peek at all the tests looking for any brokeness

[09:20] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Accessibility Task Force
[09:21] <krisk> janian: We want to skip CR and go to PR before the F2Ffor long desc
[09:22] <krisk> janian: since we have implementation
[09:22] <krisk> janina: We looked a DOM4 and don't have issues
[09:22] <krisk> janina: This is because DOM mutation events have been added which is a boom for accessibility
[09:23] <krisk> janina: I'll send this formally later
[09:23] <krisk> janina: We do have some editorial comments, but these are not accessibility conserns
[09:24] <krisk> rubys: Will these come in as comments of bug reports?
[09:24] <krisk> janina: comments and not bugs
[09:24] <plh> q+ to mention the testing dashboard
[09:24]  * Zakim sees plh on the speaker queue
[09:24] <krisk> rubys: Bugs please for these comments on the DOM4 spec
[09:25] <rubys> ack plh
[09:25] <Zakim> plh, you wanted to mention the testing dashboard
[09:25] <plh>
[09:25] <plh>
[09:25] <krisk> krisk: That is nice, I was using github links
[09:26] <krisk> paulc: Can I ask plh a question on these pages?
[09:26] <krisk> paulc: Is this for HTML or others?
[09:27] <krisk> plh: Others as well just change the drop down and the first one will list all pull requests
[09:27] <krisk> paulc: The most look on HTML, is this correct?
[09:27] <krisk> plh: Yes about 100 total and 50 on HTML
[09:27] <krisk> paulc: This is useful

[09:27] <krisk> SUBTOPIC: Media Task Force
[09:28] <paulc> EME agenda:
[09:28] <krisk> paulc: On EME the task force is dealing with hard bugs (~20 bugs) and once we fix one another new hard bug comes up
[09:28] <krisk> paulc: We are going to meet more often to make faster progress
[09:28] <janina> Canvas a11y support in Firefox nightly thread begins at:
[09:28] <janina>
[09:29] <plh>
[09:29] <krisk> paulc: For MSE we should see some tests submitted soon if not already
[09:29] <krisk> paulc: TF has been mostly focused has been on EME
[09:30] <krisk> paulc: It's not clear if Media TF will ask for time at the F2F
[09:30] <krisk> plh: A few have registered already from the Media TF
[09:30] == darobin [rberjon@public.cloak] has quit [Client closed connection]
[09:30] <krisk> plh: one pull request does exist for MSE
[09:31] <krisk> plh: Who is working on these tests?
[09:31] <krisk> paulc: I can't recall 

[09:31] <krisk> TOPIC: Other Business
[09:31] <krisk> F2F Agenda
[09:32] <krisk> please updated the wiki if needed see
[09:32] <krisk> rubys: As normal we'll refine at the start of the F2F
[09:32] <krisk> rubys: any, other, other business?
[09:32] <rubys>
[09:32] <krisk> plh: Art asked a question
[09:33] <krisk> rubys: The topic was about heartbeat hell for EME
[09:33] <krisk> paulc: The chairs should choose and report back on how we want to deal with this request
[09:34] <krisk> rubys: any other business?
[09:34] <krisk> I can scribe
[09:34] <plh> regrets from me
[09:35] <krisk> rubys: let's adjourn

From: Sam Ruby <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 1:24 PM
To: announce
Subject: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2014-02-27 - Last Calls, CR Progress, TF  Reports, F2F

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
2014-02-27 for up to 60 minutes from 17:00Z to 18:00Z.

Tokyo 02:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00,
New Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby
Scribe: Kris Krueger

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. ACTION items due by Thursday, February 27


2. Last Calls

a) Polyglot Markup: A robust profile of the HTML5 vocabulary Last Call
    ended Feb 25

b) W3C DOM4: Last Call ends 04 March 2014:
    A11y TF has yet to ask for an extension

3. CR Progress

a) Canvas2D:

b) HTML5.0
    We are working with the editors to set a goal of getting the
    following bugs closed by March 15.

    Alt issues, Steve Faulkner:

    Caseless matching, Ted O'Connor

    Other I18N issues, Robin

    Not included in that goal, but to resolved shortly after the
    upcoming F2F:

    Remove at risk features

4. Task Force Reports

a) Testing Task Force

b) Accessibility Task Force

c) Media Task Force

5. Other Business

a) F2F Agenda:

6. Scribe for next meeting

7. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge:
   +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
   #html-wg on port 6665 or port 80

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2014 17:41:45 UTC