Re: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2012-05-17: action items, issues, and other business


Regarding Action item 217 this was an updated change proposal that as far
as I know all I need to do is merge use cases from the WhatWG WIKI for the
change proposal I submitted in December. What is new is that there are real
world use cases of canvas being used for rich text editing. That said, I am
on vacation tomorrow through May 27. I can do that update for June 8. To my
knowledge neither Frank nor Ted were involved with that action item so I am
confused about their inclusion.

The other item for which I don't believe an action item was assigned was
for Frank, Ted, and I to produce a combined change proposal between Frank
and Ted's. Frank is building that combined proposal and there are s few
outstanding items that need to be addressed in the combined proposal:

   Removal of Ellipses as this was not a concensus decision
   Provide a vehicle for an accessibility test tool to walk the lightweight
   JSON objects in Ted's proposal. I suggested some API additions for this.
   Since the lightweight JSON objects are based on a JavaScript Dictionary
   we need to define what ARIA properties can be applied.
   Define hit testing procedure as lightweight components add a level of

Ted has been traveling so we have not heard from him on these points and
can't give you a completion date as of yet.

Please make sure this information is included in tomorrow's meeting.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Sam Ruby <>
To:	announce <>,
Cc:	"John Foliot (" <>, "Edward
            O'Connor (" <>, Richard
            Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Michael Cooper <>,
            Paul Cotton <>
Date:	05/16/2012 10:13 AM
Subject:	{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2012-05-17: action items, issues, and
            other business

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
2012-05-17 for up to 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.

Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00,
New Jersey/York 12:00, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

Chair of the meeting: Sam Ruby
Scribe: Adrian Bateman

(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)

== Agenda ==

1. ACTION items due by Thursday, May 17

a) ACTION-210: Get JF to deliver a revised ISSUE-204 change proposal by
    next friday [Sam Ruby]

b) ACTION-211: Ted O'Connor to write up a video-transcript IDref
    proposal for ISSUE-194 by Fri May 11 [Sam Ruby]

c) ACTION-213: Get JF to deliver a revised ISSUE-194 change proposal by
    next friday [Sam Ruby]

d) ACTION-217: Create an updated Caret ring focus (Rich, Ted, Frank)
    ISSUE-201 CP [Richard Schwerdtfeger]

e) ACTION-216: Update ISSUE-199 proposal based on Ted's [Michael Cooper]

f) ACTION-218: Determine day and time for a weekly Media teleconference
    [Paul Cotton]

2. New Issues This Week:


3. Items Closed Last Week

a) ISSUE-184: data-element, Revise Change Proposals closed May 11

4. Items Closing This Week

a) ISSUE-205: text-editing-canvas, Revise Change Proposals closes May 17

5. Items Closing Next Week


6. New Calls this week


7. New Surveys this week


8. Decisions this week


9. Other Business

a) 31c re-open request review

b) HTML-A11Y Task Force Consensus on Issue-204

c) Update on Editor Search

10. Scribe for next meeting

11. Adjournment

== Dial-in and IRC Details ==

Zakim teleconference bridge:
   +1.617.761.6200 code: HTML (4865)

Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
   #html-wg on port 6665 or port 80

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 20:00:14 UTC