Emails containing test results

The large tide of emails containing test results for various browsers is 
pretty annoying and not trivial to filter out. Can we do something to 
make it stop e.g. stop soliciting the posting of test results to this 
list? Ideally these submissions would be collected by a script 
somewhere, but failing that a seperate list would be better.

As an aside, and I know this has been discussed already, it seems to me 
that the promotion of the testsuite has been vastly premature. We are 
far far away from having enough tests from enough sources to make any 
reasonable comparisons between browsers. There are whole sections of the 
spec with 0 submitted, let alone approved, tests. The fact that people 
are sending in results at this stage seems to me to indicate that we 
have failed to send out an appropriate message about the status of this 

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2010 11:56:47 UTC