Re: EME Test Status Update - 10-24-16

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:45 PM, David Dorwin <> wrote:

> Some of these are likely due to a change in error type. See
> issuecomment-255476955 and
> platform-tests/issues/4030#issuecomment-255499074. (Chrome now passes the
> affected tests.)
> For the readyState tests, we have spec issue
> ncrypted-media/issues/336 and your open PR
> platform-tests/pull/3985. I'm also preparing a PR to update the tests for
> As discussed in the
> telecon this morning, we are hoping that Firefox will pass the (updated)
> readyState tests and demonstrate implementation since Chrome has unrelated
> bugs.
> drm-temporary-license-type.html is incorrect and needs to be disabled or
> fixed. See
> 4027#issuecomment-255481770.

​We should disable it for the moment (or ignore it). I will try and fix it
later this week.


> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Chris Pearce <> wrote:
>> Currently the set of tests I see failing in a local Firefox build other
>> than persistent tests are these:
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-invalid-license.html    FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-clear-encrypted.html
>> NOTRUN        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-syntax-mediakeysession.html    FAIL
>> 6/7
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-update-disallowed-input.html    FAIL
>>     0/1
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-update-non-ascii-input.html    FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/drm-invalid-license.html    FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-multisession.html
>> TIMEOUT        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-syntax-mediakeysession.html    FAIL        6/7
>> /encrypted-media/drm-temporary-license-type.html    FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential-readyState.html
>> FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential.html
>> FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential-readyState.html
>> FAIL        0/1
>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential.html
>> FAIL        0/1
>> Some of the tests have changed. We'll investigate.
>> Chris.
>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Paul Cotton <>
>> wrote:
>>> David and Chris:
>>> Do these test results include the implementation changes you previously
>>> announced in the following messages?
>>> /paulc
>>> *From:* Jerry Smith (WPT)
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 24, 2016 9:17 PM
>>> *To:* Paul Cotton <>; David Dorwin <
>>>>; Mark Watson <>; Matt Wolenetz <
>>>>; '' <
>>> *Subject:* EME Test Status Update - 10-24-16
>>> I’ve updated the test status reports to reflect recent fixes.  I believe
>>> some improvement was expected from last Thursday, but the results are
>>> largely the same.  I tested using:
>>> -         Chrome 56.0.2899.0 canary (64 bit)
>>> -         Firefox 52.0a1 (2016-10-24) (32 bit)
>>> Reports:
>>> ·
>>> o   *Test files*: 97; *Total subtests*: 306
>>> ·
>>> ails.html
>>> o   *Completely failed files*: 21; *Completely failed subtests*: 21; *Failure
>>> level*: 21/306 (6.86%)
>>> ·
>>> 2.html
>>> o   *Test files without 2 passes*: 33; *Subtests without 2 passes: *47; *Failure
>>> level*: 47/306 (15.36%)
>>> Summary Groupings:
>>> Errors (considered bugs, not blocking)
>>> 22
>>> Clear Key persistent-license (not planned, may make non-normative)
>>> 5
>>> Clear Key persistent-usage-record (not planned, at risk)
>>> 3
>>> Clear Key transitions between clear and encrypted (bugs, not blocking)
>>> 2
>>> Non-Blocking issues                                                     3
>>> 2
>>> Persistent-license (fixes in work)
>>>             6
>>> Persistent-usage-record (no implementations in test, at risk)
>>> 3
>>> Temporary session edge cases (bugs, not block, fixes in work)
>>> 3
>>> Temporary session readyState (issues under discussion, at risk)
>>> 2
>>> In work or at risk
>>> 14
>>> 46
>>> Details on failed tests are below.
>>> Jerry
>>> Error handling (considered bugs, not blocking) - 22 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-invalid-license.html (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of
>>> total)
>>> Update with invalid Clear Key license
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-syntax-mediakeysession.html (1/7, 14.29%,
>>> 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey test if MediaKeySession generateRequest() resolves for
>>> various sessions
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-update-disallowed-input.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> update() with invalid response (longer than 64Kb characters) should fail.
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-update-non-ascii-input.html (1/1, 100.00%,
>>> 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey test handling of non-ASCII responses for update()
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-generate-request-disallowed-input.html (3/7,
>>> 42.86%, 0.98% of total)
>>> drm, temporary, keyids, initData longer than 64Kb characters
>>> drm, temporary, keyids, invalid initdata (too short key ID)
>>> drm, temporary, keyids, invalid initdata (too long key ID)
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-invalid-license.html (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> Update with invalid Clear Key license
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-syntax-mediakeysession.html (1/7, 14.29%,
>>> 0.33% of total)
>>> drm test if MediaKeySession generateRequest() resolves for various
>>> sessions
>>> /encrypted-media/idlharness.html (10/58, 17.24%, 3.27% of total)
>>> Navigator interface: operation requestMediaKeySystemAccess(DOMString,[object
>>> Object])
>>> HTMLMediaElement interface: operation setMediaKeys(MediaKeys)
>>> MediaKeySystemAccess interface: operation createMediaKeys()
>>> MediaKeys interface: operation setServerCertificate(BufferSource)
>>> MediaKeySession interface: operation generateRequest(DOMString,Buff
>>> erSource)
>>> MediaKeySession interface: operation load(DOMString)
>>> MediaKeySession interface: operation update(BufferSource)
>>> MediaKeySession interface: operation close()
>>> MediaKeySession interface: operation remove()
>>> MediaKeyMessageEvent interface object length
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-requestmediakeysystemaccess.html (1/58,
>>> 1.72%, 0.33% of total)
>>> Trailing space in contentType
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-requestmediakeysystemaccess.html (2/58, 3.45%,
>>> 0.65% of total)
>>> drm, requestMediaKeySystemAccess: Unrecognized foo with mp4 ('video/mp4;
>>> foo="bar"') should result in NotSupportedError
>>> drm, requestMediaKeySystemAccess: Unrecognized foo with codecs
>>> ('video/mp4;codecs="avc1.4d401e"; foo="bar"') should result in
>>> NotSupportedError
>>> Clear key persistent-license tests (not planned to be implemented, may
>>> make informative note) - 5 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-destroy-persistent-license.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4, playback, destroy and
>>> acknowledge
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-persistent-license-events.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4, playback, check events
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-persistent-license.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4playback
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-retrieve-destroy-persistent-license.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4, playback, retrieve, playback
>>> and destroy
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-retrieve-persistent-license.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-license, mp4, playback, retrieve and playback
>>> Clear key persistent-usage-record (not planned to be implemented) - 3
>>> Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-persistent-usage-record-events.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-usage-record, mp4, playback, check events
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-persistent-usage-record.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-usage-record, mp4playback
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-retrieve-persistent-usage-record.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, persistent-usage-record, mp4, playback, retrieve in new
>>> window
>>> Clear key transitions between clear and encrypted content (considered
>>> bugs, not blocking) - 2 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-clear-encrypted.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, temporary, mp4, playback, single key, clear then
>>> encrypted content
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-encrypted-clear.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, temporary, mp4, playback, single key, encrypted then
>>> clear content
>>> Persistent-license failures - 6 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-destroy-persistent-license.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-license, mp4, playback, destroy and acknowledge
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-persistent-license-events.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-license, mp4, playback, check events
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-persistent-license.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-license, mp4playback
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-temporary-license-type.html (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33%
>>> of total)
>>> drm, cannot load persistent license into temporary session
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-retrieve-destroy-persistent-license.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-license, mp4, playback, retrieve, playback and destroy
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-retrieve-persistent-license.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-license, mp4, playback, retrieve, playback
>>> Persistent-usage-record failures - 3 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-persistent-usage-record-events.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-usage-record, mp4, playback, check events
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-retrieve-persistent-usage-record.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-usage-record, mp4, playback, retrieve in new window
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-persistent-usage-record.html (1/1,
>>> 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, persistent-usage-record, mp4playback
>>> Temporary session failures - 3 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-expired.html (1/1, 100.00%,
>>> 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, temporary, mp4, expired license
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, successful playback, temporary, mp4, multiple keys,
>>> sequential
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, successful playback, temporary, mp4, multiple keys, sequential
>>> Temporary session readyState failures (listed at risk, under discussion)
>>> - 2 Failures
>>> /encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential-readyState.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> org.w3.clearkey, successful playback, temporary, mp4, multiple keys,
>>> sequential, readyState
>>> /encrypted-media/drm-mp4-playback-temporary-multikey-sequential-readyState.html
>>> (1/1, 100.00%, 0.33% of total)
>>> drm, successful playback, temporary, mp4, multiple keys, sequential,
>>> readyState

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 20:56:34 UTC