It was just brought to my attention that Mark Watson has proposed a session for the Technical Plenary day in Sapporo that is related to our ACTION-93.
ACTION-93: Get in touch with webappsec wg about the "privileged context" which is more generic than saying https, etc."
Secure communication with local network devices
* Proposer: Mark Watson
* Leaders: Mark Watson
* Summary: Pages loaded in a secure context may wish to communication with local network devices (for example devices discovered using DIAL<>). Such devices may not have DNS names or long-lived certificates chained to a public CA to enable the use of standard PKI. How can we secure such communication such that the security promises of the "green padlock" are maintained.
* Type: Brief presentation of the problem, open discussion
* Goals: Establish the problem as one that W3C might work on, identify venue(s) for further discussion
I want to encourage TF members to attend the Technical Plenary session (assuming it occurs) so that you are aware of the Technical Plenary day discussion.
Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329