Re: [MSE] About the buffered attribute

Hi Aaron,

Le 05/02/2014 17:57, Aaron Colwell a écrit :
> Comments inline.
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Cyril Concolato 
> < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     It is unclear to me how the SourceBuffer.buffered attribute should
>     behave in two cases:
>     - before the first segment has been appended,
>     - when an initialisation segment containing no data has been appended.
>     In the first case, the spec says "The buffer is empty when the
>     SourceBuffer object is created." The term "empty" also used, in
>     the MSE spec, in the description of the HTML5 buffered/seekable
>     attributes. Is it an object with a single range (0,0) or with no
>     range at all?
> An empty range is a TimeRanges object with length = 0. It can't be a 
> single [0,0] range because that implies that we actually have data for 
> time 0 since the ranges are inclusive.
>     For the second case, since no data has been received, I would
>     assume it's stays in the same state, but I couldn't find any text
>     in the spec. I think it should be clarified.
> Since the initialization segment doesn't have any media data, it seems 
> pretty clear that there can't be any modification of buffered time 
> since the buffered attribute reflects "a new static normalized 
> TimeRanges object for the *media segments* buffered."
Thanks. That's what I thought but I came across some tests that were 


Cyril Concolato
Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 21:41:18 UTC