[MSE] About the buffered attribute

Hi all,

It is unclear to me how the SourceBuffer.buffered attribute should 
behave in two cases:
- before the first segment has been appended,
- when an initialisation segment containing no data has been appended.

In the first case, the spec says "The buffer is empty when the 
SourceBuffer object is created." The term "empty" also used, in the MSE 
spec, in the description of the HTML5 buffered/seekable attributes. Is 
it an object with a single range (0,0) or with no range at all?

For the second case, since no data has been received, I would assume 
it's stays in the same state, but I couldn't find any text in the spec. 
I think it should be clarified.


Cyril Concolato
Multimedia Group / Telecom ParisTech

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 16:45:16 UTC