{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2013-10-15 - EME status and bug discussion

The HTML WG media teleconference meeting will occur on 2013-10-15 for up to 60 minutes from 15:00Z to 16:00Z.
Tokyo midnight, Amsterdam/Oslo 17:00, London/Dublin 16:00, New Jersey/York 11:00, Kansas City 10:00, Seattle/San Francisco 08:00.
Chair of the meeting: Paul Cotton
Scribe: TBD
(See the end of this email for dial-in and IRC info.)
== Agenda ==
1. Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe
2. Previous meeting minutes

3. Review of action items and issues

a) ISSUE-1: Consider moving the Clear Key definition into a separate specification

b) Open ACTION items
Status: Action items are below.

4. EME status and bugs
a) Encrypted Media Extensions editor's draft
Last updated on Sep 17.

b) Encrypted Media Extensions bugs: 
Status as of Oct 14: 20 bugs

5. Open bugs summary

6. Bugs on Goals section
Status: At the Oct 1 meeting the suggestion was to remove the Goals text that these  bugs are referring to.  Next steps?

7. Bugs from last meeting

a) Bug 21854 - Define MediaKeySession life cycle states and/or events
Status: Agreed to issues 1 and 2. Moving issue 3 to be part of bug 21798.  Therefore after updating the spec we can close out 21854 with the addition of the error code item to 21798.
Next step: Update spec with resolution for issues 1 and 2.  

b) Bug 19809 - Specify which portion of addKey() algorithm to run when updating license for a key
Next step: David will re-evaluate 19809 after Ade's changes 21854 are completed.

c) Bug 17202 - Explicitly document how keys are to be shared

ACTION-40: Propose text for bug 17202 to propose how to share keys without leakage of information

8. Any other business
9. Chair and Scribe for next meeting
Note: Next EME meeting will be in two weeks on Tue Oct 29:

10. Adjournment
== Dial-in and IRC Details ==
Zakim teleconference bridge:
   +1.617.761.6200, conference 63342 ("media")
Supplementary IRC chat (logged):
   #html-media on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80

Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Monday, 14 October 2013 15:25:55 UTC