Re: [MSE] Rethinking MediaSource.setTrackInfo() and MediaSource.getSourceBuffer()

On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Cyril Concolato wrote:

> Hi Aaron,
> Small question.
> Le 10/01/2013 17:25, Aaron Colwell a écrit :
>> I'd like to propose that we add the following extensions to AudioTrack, VideoTrack, TextTrack, and SourceBuffer in the MSE spec.
>> partial interface AudioTrack {
>>  attribute DOMString kind;
>>  attribute DOMString language;
>>  readonly attribute SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
>> }
>> partial interface VideoTrack {
>>  attribute DOMString kind;
>>  attribute DOMString language;
>>  readonly attribute SourceBuffer sourceBuffer;
>> }
> What is this language attribute used for in a video track? Is it a mistake or is it made to make handling of tracks generic ?

Video with embedded ("burned in") subtitles/captions and sign language videos are examples of videos with a language.

Of course, you would not use burned in subtitles/captions if you had an alternative, but for some old content these are the only subtitles/captions available.


> Regards,
> Cyril
> -- 
> Cyril Concolato
> Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
> Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
> Telecom ParisTech
> 46 rue Barrault
> 75 013 Paris, France

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 15:25:08 UTC