Question regarding endOfStream

There is an issue I see when I play to the end of an fmp4 using MSE. The
problem is that if I do not call endOfStream then the file is not really
played until the end here are couple of symptoms that happened to me:
1)currentTime is not equal to duration when the movie paused (there is a
small difference of ~0.02 in favor of duration)
2)'ended' event is not triggered when video stopped playing
3) .buffered  values are wrong (same thing with the 0.02)

This is not happening when I play a webm. Is this an MSE bug or maybe a
Gpac bug?

Now this results the following problem:
Consider the following scenario: a user start playing a video and seeks to
10 seconds before video ends and now see the video until the end. Now after
appending the last chunk, if I do call . endOfStream() and the user decides
to seek back and watch the rest of the video I can't really append more
chunks because endOfStream was already called. If i decide not to call
endOfStream() then it results the problem described above.

Is anyone familier with this issue?

Thanks a lot,

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 13:43:34 UTC