Re: DRM nonsense

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Mark Watson <> wrote:

> In others it could output decoded frames for compositing by the browser.
Boom, and the DRM is toast.

This is just incorrect. Why do you assume this ?
Because the "standard" describes a containerized system to deliver the
content with the bits about how the DRM works left out completely other
than a handshake about how it can work. Obviously you could implement the
obfuscation fixed in the browser, which is probably a bad idea given that
this will be cracked in 5 minutes flat after release. So since I cannot
imagine browser-vendors being happy to deliver patches in 5-minute
intervals or face being blacklisted by you, you've got to come up with a
way to make a tiny little bit harder. The typical answer is some sort of
generic executable code, run in a "trusted" VM. It's pretty obvious really.

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 20:22:52 UTC