Formal objection to the marking of bug 21727 as invalid.

I formally object to members of the HTML WG  marking bug 21727
as invalid, see:

This bug adds use cases and requirements to the EME specification.

The W3C has indicated that such work on the EME specification may proceed.

The director of the W3C has also communicated that meta level discussion
regarding the use cases and requirements of the EME specification is to
occur in the Restricted Media Community Group and this group is not
charted to have any standing to mark bugs at invalid.  Disagreement
with use cases and requirements is a meta level issue, thus the HTML WG
clearly has no standing to reject use cases and requirements on the
EME specification.

I demand that the HTML WG reopen bug 21727 and work to ensure that
the EME specification meets the use case and requirements.



Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 14:24:34 UTC