Re: workshop host

On 09/03/2007 06:19, Chris Lilley wrote:

> On Thursday, March 8, 2007, 2:57:21 PM, Daniel wrote:
> DG> just for your information, if this mailing-list decides we could/
> DG> should have a w3c workshop on the "html in email" topic, I have a
> DG> host in Paris, France. Meeting rooms, network, restaurant, all
> DG> facilities. Center of Paris, subway at walking distance.
> I strongly support the idea of having a workshop on this topic.

Ok. Then I suuggest a workshop on "HTML in email" just before or
just after XTech 2007 [1]. The HTML WG itself is pondering a first ftf
for the group at that time. Seems everyone will be around.

Potential host :
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris
    46, rue Barrault
    75013 Paris

    network and access to the restaurant
    meeting rooms accepting up to more than 300 persons

We could first issue a call for papers and form a small review

Opinions ?



Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2007 03:59:59 UTC